What we do: We focus on finding better ways to understand and improve mental health equity, particularly for Latinx and Spanish-speaking populations. Much of this work centers on both individual and systems-level mechanisms of oppression and inequity, such as interpersonal discrimination or traumatic event exposure. We recognize these mechanisms impact more populations than Latinxs and have uneven impact across these populations. Relatedly, we believe that enhancing equity across race/ethnicity or immigration requires considering how multiple intersecting identities affect the lived experience of the people we serve, including gender, colorism, sexuality, and more. In order to enhance access to care, we frequently use non-traditional approaches to care, including technology-based resources and working collaboratively other health providers. More than anything, we seek to have a positive impact on the community through our research and related clinical care.
Lab News
Congrats to Natalia for GRADUATING with her PhD in Clinical Psychology in August 2024! Te deseamos mucho éxito!
Congrats to Trey for receiving the 2024 Chancellor's Fulfilling the Dream Award!
Join us
Dr. Andrews will be accepting applications for a graduate student to start in the Fall of 2025. See the main page for the Clinical Psychology Training Program for more information regarding mentors who will be accepted students and the application process.
Dr. Andrews is also looking for undergraduate students who are interested in research experience. Students may be from any discipline and bilingual Spanish/English skills are preferred.
Interested students should email Dr. Andrews (arthur.andrews@unl.edu).