Disseminating our Research & Community Participation

Natalia's graduation and Trey's first graduate student to hood on his own!

Trey won the 2024 Chancellor's Fulfilling the Dream Award!

National Latinx Psychological Association - 2022

Rocky Mountain Psychological Association – 2022

Complying with masking regulations

Elizabeth presenting her poster "The Kids are not Alright: Examining Links between Polyvictimization, Delinquency, and Academic Suspension"

Laura P. and Vanessa presenting their poster "The Effect of Social Support and COVID-19 Trauma on PTSD and Depressive Symptoms in the Latinx Community"

Joana and Trey presenting their poster "PTSD Mediates Relationship Between Polyvictimization and Delinquency" 

Evelyn and Laura A. presenting their poster "How does Social Support and Racism Influence Depression Among Latinx Immigrants?"  

Vanessa and Clarice enjoying delicious hotpot

Intersectionality and Belonging: Shining a Light on Mental Health

Action shot of Trey speaking as a member of an interdisciplinary panel that discussed how one’s collective identities can influence attitudes about and interaction with mental health

Virtual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies – 2020

Trey presenting in the treatment adaptation symposium

Virtual National Latinx Psychological Association  - 2020

Mariely presenting her poster "Community-based design of a Fotonovela for awareness of mental health consequences of violence in Latinx population"

Laura presenting her poster "Examining Familism's Components: the Effects of Support and Obligation on Stress Recovery among Latina Women"

Natalia presenting in the symposia "Rompiendo barreras con arcoiris: Exploring Social Influences and Barriers to Health in Latinx LGBTQ+ Communities"

Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies – 2019

Sara presenting her poster "Effects of Community Involvement and Social Support on Mental Health among Latinx Immigrants in the Midwest"

National Latinx Psychological Association  - 2019

Natalia, Laura, and Trey at NLPA in Miami!

Natalia and Laura presenting their poster "Dos Caras de la Misma Moneda: Testing Machismo and the Gender Role Strain Theory with Latino Migrant Farmworkers"

Trey presenting "Extending Written Exposure Therapy to Spanish-speaking immigrants: Treatment perceptions and open pilot trial outcomes for overcoming PTSD"

Natalia and Trey excitedly enjoying real Cuban food in Miami, courtesy of Laura and her lovely family!

Forming collaborations in Bogotá, Colombia - September 2019

With our wonderful collaborators in Bogotá, advancing the project Community-Based Approaches to Trauma-Focused Care in Colombia, travel sponsored by the International Research Collaboration Grant of the UNL College of Arts and Sciences

Rocky Mountain Psychological Association – 2019

Lab dinner at Midici The Neapolitan Pizza Company in Denver, CO after a busy day at the conference!

Maricela and Stephanie presenting their poster "Effect of Sexual Assault Perpetrator Ethnicity on Perception for Victim Response"

Kayla and Maggie presenting their poster "Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Effect of Diabetes on Mental Health Outcomes"

Andrew presenting his poster "Predictors of College Student Candidate Preference from the 2016 Presidential election: Testing Conservatism, Perceptions of Immigrants, and Motivations to Express Prejudice or Equity"

Mariely presenting her poster "Immigration Trauma among Spanish-speaking Latinx Receiving PTSD Treatment"

Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies – 2018

Hispanic Interests in Behavioral Therapy Special Interest Group

Natalia presenting her poster "Comparisons of Those who Complete and Those who do not Complete a Spanish-Language Version of Written Exposure Therapy"

National Latinx Psychological Association – 2018

Laura, Trey, and Mariely at their first NLPA conferencia! 

Laura and Mariely presenting their poster "Histories of Witnessing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) among Latinx Migrant Farmworkers: Cultural Correlates and Mental Health Outcomes across Genders"

Trey chairing the symposium on "Addressing Mental Health and Service Utilization: Disparities for Latinx Populations"

Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies – 2017

Hispanic Interests in Behavioral Therapy Special Interest Group

Laura presenting her paper presentation "The Immigrant Paradox, Enculturation, and Country of Origin: Do their Effects on Latin@ Mental Health Carry into Adulthood?"

Laura and Andrew presenting their poster "The Longitudinal Protective Effect of Enculturation on Suicidal Ideation for Latinos"